Not Yet

Not Yet

Over the last year and a half, I’ve found that the answer to many questions, those posed to me by my children, to myself, from others:   Not Yet.

From questions about sleepovers to the availability of the vaccine for their age group, to when virtual school will end, when the pandemic will cease to influence a lot of daily many times I’ve said...Not Yet. and often, added, Hopefully, soon.

As the landmarks have come and gone, vaccines for adults, now for teens, virtual school, hybrid school, and now the potential to return to in-person 5 day a week school, though if I’m being honest, not with the buoyancy I had hoped and the comfort I had wanted.  When people have talked about “coming out of the pandemic” this spring and summer, I had an almost visceral reaction---this isn’t over for me until my youngest child is vaccinated and consistently back in school.  So I’d answer, for us---not yet.  My mind and heart remain mired in the haze of what if’s and the ever-changing analysis of risk.    Holding the not yet, as we continue to create our lives, make memories, and choose joy as often as I can.    In solidarity with so many others who also are holding the ‘not yet’ because they are immunocompromised or cannot get a vaccine and must rely on herd immunity or the extinction of the virus to very low levels. 

Holding this juxtaposition of not yet, but with the hope of someday, I’ve also refined on my yoga mat.   In the more challenging steady march preparing for crow posture, to the daily practice of my heels remaining raised in the first downward dog of the practice off the mat only to reach the mat by the end of the practice.  It’s the practice that eventually delivers someday, and washes away not yet.    The practice on mat has taught me though, it’s “not yet”--with time, attention, breath, gravity, and specific asanas, the connective tissue expands, muscles relax, breathing becomes deeper and space in my soul opens up.   The “not yet” becomes the “now here” and gives me hope for the “now here” moments off the mat.  

Would you like more peace and connection in your body, mind and soul?   Click here to learn more about the outdoor yoga classes available this fall.  


Alone and Enough


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