Begin Again

Each time I roll out the yoga mat, center myself for practice, I begin again. Yes, building on the work from the days before, but knowing that I’ll never be “done”. Despite frequent practice, my hamstrings will often be tight, my hips achy, and my shoulders activated from the cold shoulder hunch. And my mind….often too, tight, achy, and activated. So I begin again, often, traveling the same familiar road back to release, spaciousness, and rest.

This beginning again on the mat, I like to think helps me be more accepting of beginning again off the mat. As a lover of efficiency, order, and times when I can get to peace about a decision, January 2022 was exactly none of that. The chaos of snow days, half days, off days, pandemic close contact letters, staff and students testing positive….and on and on, (and I count myself and my family very lucky because we have basic needs met.) Navigating the ever-changing landscape while trying to move forward with my own personal plans after the wrecking ball of the pandemic, well, let’s just say I was a little less zen about beginning again in this context. So much less zen, in fact, that I joined in a collective field scream a friend was hosting in her community to release the frustration together.

There is no way to get back what we have all collectively lost. No fix. No five-point plan. No road back to “normal” and the community scream didn’t fix or solve anything for me, my life challenges remain the same before and after the scream. However, screaming brought us together, to the place of ‘me too’, ‘me too’, ‘me too’, and it was a small part of an impromptu weekend with a friend I needed for connection, complete with our rapid covid tests and KN95 masks, because this is, after all, 2022. We came together, in our collective humanity, and now, we begin again.

How has your yoga practice taught you to begin again??

If you would like to begin again with in-person yoga, join us for a fresh start in February, series pricing beginning 2/1, Livestream only option, and drop-in and 5 class pass available. Check it out at


Believing the Truth


It’s the MOST (most) time of the Year!